when it comes to prostate cancer early diagnosis….no voiding symptoms don’t mean “nothin”

Podbean video podcast on prostate cancer and the reluctant and misinformed male

2 Replies to “when it comes to prostate cancer early diagnosis….no voiding symptoms don’t mean “nothin””

  1. John,

    I have to schedule a colonoscopy later this summer and I was wondering.

    When you have a colonoscopy performed by a doctor, does that doctor or can that doctor also check your prostate or is that a seperate test that needs to be performed by another doctor?

    I have the blood test every year, but would like to make sure everything is still okay.




  2. mr. keith….very nice to hear from you and hope all is well with you and ellen….i was coverting some slides i took in college to digital and you and she are in every other picture…i’ll need to send to you…

    colonoscopy does not check your prostate….you can however ask the gi doc to do a rectal exam while you are sedated…if that is normal and your psa has been okay..then you’re good

    in my book i make mention of having to remind a friend of mine who did my colonoscopy to check my prostate…your family md can do as well when you have your yearly check up and psa.. jm


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