Penile rehabilitation…is that like a witness protection program…what did it do wrong?

    None of the various penile rejuvenation, I mean rehabilitation protocols have been proven to work. In the case of post-prostatectomy ED how a particular patient will do depends on if the nerves were spared. So any study trying to figure out if a penile rehab program works would need to know the status of the nerves.  You …

Pappa’s got a brand new bag…… and James Brown had prostate cancer too! The hardest working man in show “bisnis.”

A couple of things: First of all, reports of the famous and their " battle with prostate cancer" is a bit deceiving. Here it states that James Brown was treated for prostate cancer in Atlanta and is in remission. What does that mean? I looked all over for details. If I had to guess, he …

Liberals get prostate cancer too! Robert Frost and the road not taken. No crystal ball.

If you look at prostate diaries you'll see a story called "Diaper Diaries..the screenplay." In the story there is reference to a party that I gave for the OR staff at our hospital about ten days after my prostatectomy. The fourth annual " Pig Jig" was held this past weekend, not at Lake Lanier but at …

Ten reasons why I should be on The Colbert Report regarding “The Decision” and prostate cancer

10 reasons why I should be a guest on the author segment of The Colbert Report #10---I can pronounce it the right way…kolbear Rappor #9----I am an author and have a book to discuss and my book is number one on Amazon....(if you search urology/medical book/prostate cancer/the decision/mchugh/ and the color of my hair, birthdate, …

Moishe Rosen’s (1932-2010) perspective on terminal prostate cancer one year ago-poignant

I remember the things  that went through my head when the realization that I had prostate cancer took hold. For me the toughest part was waiting on the biopsy and wondering if I had the "bad" kind. I now refer to that as the Frank Zappa kind. Then there was the part of knowing I …

Don’t you dare let that mean ole urologist biopsy your prostate for profit!

It's funny... Richard Ablin  kept on referring to all the money that urologists make doing biopsies and PSAs. When people start striking right at the money that " those rich doctors" make, I'm sorry, I just tune out. To me this mindset has a preconceived notion that then flavors and influences that person's view of the whole subject. …