A dog shows up at the lake…dogs can help you get through a lot of stuff…including prostate cancer.

Chapter Two-A dog shows up at the lake John and Karen had two other dogs, Oscar and Tootsie, both of whom they loved dearly, but there was an emptiness around their home without Meg. The couple felt her memory and presence everywhere in and about the house. The couch, the trampoline, the backyard, the bedroom, …

the night they drove old dixie down-be sure to read my brother’s comment at the end- i didn’t know that!

Meaning of song The lyrics tell of the last days of the American Civil War and its aftermath. Confederate soldier Virgil Caine "served on the Danville train," the main supply line into the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia is holding the line at the Siege of Petersburg. …

another man’s story…prostate cancer-dana jennings-new york times…all i can say is man oh man!

I have previously posted Mr. Jennings on a link but did not see this video untill this morning. I am watching it and it's going along and I am really enjoying it and really like this person. The part about getting a buzz-cut and then it makes him feel like, " I'm putting on a …