Prostate cancer treatments: Robotic vs. open prostatectomy? A new car vs. one that is old (and paid for) but works and gets you from point A to point B. A foreboding of healthcare to come?

What band and what album...Rolling Stone Magazine....the number one album of all time. This van thing and the "get a new car dad" thing is getting to be a bit much.  A new Ford F150 is about 32,000 and a used car comes with as they say, "someone else's problems." I can get the POS …

Prostate cancer the Rodney Dangerfield of Cancers and Louis Prima’s Gigolos- Don’t nobody care for me

The decision of the USPTF (or whatever the hell the letters of this little government group of nonclinical doctors  who will decide who will get treatment for prostate cancer-it is not going to be good my friend) in saying that the government will not pay for a prostate cancer screening and PSA's is a slap …

How the urologist is like a car salesman when it comes to prostate cancer decision making. There’s an art to both professions.

  What a week. Monday morning and off to work in my wife’s old 96 Chrysler van that I have been driving for about 10 years or so because she didn’t want it any more. It made a loud sound when you turned the steering wheel, which I admit was a bit obnoxious, and she …

Happy Birthday Jennie Cooper! The photo of The Beatles crossing Abbey Road taken on August 8th 1969. No Beatle has prostate cancer…yet.

Abbey Road Live Cam-I am mesmerized by this.   My wife and our three children were visiting my mother and grandmother one holiday at my childhood home at 103 N. Lewis St. in LaGrange, Georgia when the children were young. The house is one block off the square in LaGrange, across the street from the …

My protective love of tomatoes must have been overcome by my love of southern sweet tea: result prostate cancer.

So I am camping with my son's scout group and a father I was assigned to be in the same tent tells me that he loves sweet tea. "Is that so?" I ask. "Yes, love it. I have it everyday for lunch no matter where I am," he says. He tells me he was a …

two kinds of prostate cancer: the good kind and the bad kind – the john mchugh kind and the frank zappa kind-Provenge anyone?

"That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore" Park the car at the side of the road you should know time's tide will smother you and I will too when you laugh about people who feel so very lonely their only desire is to die well I'm afraid it doesn't make me smile I wish I could laugh …