the closest i ever came to death was not prostate cancer…it was at mt. assiniboine canada. how did bill brooks of calgary pull this off…who is he?

  The story later... I am in the middle and I have on "water resistent" L.L. Bean rain gear. I am soaking wet and lost.   Mount Assiniboine Lodge Bill Brooks Columnist Calgary The 13th Annual Bill Brooks Prostate Cancer Benefit taking place Friday, January 21, 2011 at Hotel Arts promises to be the biggest …

One in six men have a vasectomy…one in six men have prostate cancer. Hmmmmmmmmm? No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy and the Madajet.

Have you heard of the "no needle-no scalpel vasectomy?" The technology for the painless part is old but its application to providing needle free anesthesia for a vasectomy is relatively new. If you are of "vasectomy age" you should inquire about it before you choose a vasectomy, particularly if you are needle phobic. Prostate cancer …

If you are 40 or older, you need a baseline prostate exam and psa to check for prostate cancer.

Once you know that you are not "one in a thousand" that has the very aggressive form of prostate cancer at a young age, you can then can do the screening every two years or so. That's reasonable enough is it not Mr. Brawley? They recommend colonoscopies that way. Don't that ole prostate deserve some …

Question: Will prescribing Cipro for a rising PSA after a radical prostatectomy make a difference?

A question I saw on a prostate cancer forum: My urologist has prescribed me cipro to take for a month and then get re tested for a rising psa score. it is currently 5.8 and i had a radical in 2003. my psa has been steadily rising over the past 7 years. i apparently have rogue cancer cells in my …

Question: Urine leaks around catheter after prostatectomy. Is this normal?

When the prostate is removed, the bladder is separated from the urethra (the tube that runs through the penis which men void through). After the prostate is out, the doctor then sews the two areas back together. It takes about 7-10 days for this to heal. A catheter is placed through the tip of the penis in …

Two things about Active Surveillance and Prostate Cancer

The two things: Most low and intermediate risk prostate cancers don't progress-Do you know what low vs. intermediate risk means? And...if they do there is "usually" no consequence to the delay in treatment One caveat..."in most cases." It takes a special mindset to choose surveillance and one must accept a small amount of risk that accompanies …