something attributed to Osler and applies to prostate cancer when you have been treated-“the well wear a crown that only the sick can see.”

The invisible gift!

Prostate Diaries

Something I give to all my patients who are leaning for the surgical removal of the prostate is a part of a chapter from Patrick Walsh’s book on prostate cancer. It has to do with post-prostatectomy incontinence. The beauty of the piece is that Dr. Walsh thoroughly vets the unpredictable nature of this issue. I have said to patients, “I have done hundreds of these, I do them the exact same way with every precaution regarding continence, but I cannot tell you you will be dry or if you are when that will happen.” The excerpt of this particular chapter makes this point and I feel that giving the couple the article enhances and reinforces this concept. Walsh quotes Osler, “The well wear a crown seen only by the sick.” I love that saying. I get it. You have to be sick once to truly feel it. I have been…

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