Prostate cancer detection-To MRI or Not to MRI…that is the question?

If you had clinically insignificant prostate cancer...would you want to know it? If you knew it do you know exactly what that means? Or do you think the doctor or radiologist telling you that can promise you that it won't actually become, or already is, clinically significant? Would you want a biopsy to "prove with …

What is Gleason’s score? If you have been told you have prostate cancer and you don’t know…get a second opinion.

What is Gleason's score?-Click Here Here's the thing...if you want to have your prostate removed because you've been told you'd be "done with it" that might not necessarily be true. If your cancer is Gleason's 8 and you elect to remove the prostate there is still a significant chance you'll still need radiation. Knowing this …

Common question: Are blood and clots in the urine after a prostate biopsy normal?

Blog post from years ago is still relevant today.  Patients often times see clots in the urine and worry, that like clots in the blood stream, may go to the heart and lungs and cause a serious medical problem. Clots in the bladder are a problem only if they obstruct the flow of urine i.e. …

Why having no voiding symptoms is irrelevant in the early detection of prostate cancer.

Men commonly will say that they don't feel they need to be tested for prostate cancer because they have no voiding symptoms. As seen below, most prostate cancers occur in the posterior aspect of the prostate well away from the urethra. So one will have voiding symptoms from prostate cancer only if the cancer is …