To MRI or not to MRI…that is the question. And on who? I thought we were talking about the cost and “risk” of a PSA. Pepe the Prostate is back!

If you have had a MRI would you comment for me on how much it cost…both the procedure and the radiologist reading it. Don’t get me wrong. I think the MRI will be very helpful for all…but weren’t we just talking about costs of psa, biopsies, treatment, etc and etc. Where is the outrage? USPSTF …

Considering a Prostatectomy? Ask about bladder neck contractures (stricture) and how often it occurs..

You Don’t Cure Strictures…You Manage Them I have always enjoyed pretending to talk about something completely ridiculous, but in a serious tone, in front of strangers. In fact, on my first trip in an airplane to Washington D.C. for a Key Club convention, the friend I went with told me, “John, if don’t start acting …

Prostate cancer treatments: Robotic vs. open prostatectomy? A new car vs. one that is old (and paid for) but works and gets you from point A to point B. A foreboding of healthcare to come?

What band and what album...Rolling Stone Magazine....the number one album of all time. This van thing and the "get a new car dad" thing is getting to be a bit much.  A new Ford F150 is about 32,000 and a used car comes with as they say, "someone else's problems." I can get the POS …

Finally! Penelope had quit chasing the lawnmower. Some prostate cancer patients should learn to quit chasing the lastest greatest treatments.

Just because a treatment of the prostate is fancy or new doesn't mean it's better. Just because the names are cool...."cyber knife" wow....and on and on....Don't feel like you have to "chase" the new treatments or the desire to "be one of the first ones done." I had a resident friend who would be asked …