John C. McHugh M.D. GreenLight TM Laser Photovaporization of the Prostate

BPH or benign prostatic enlargement of the prostate is not cancer. BPH causes urinary symptoms manifested by a slow stream. Prostate cancer may or may not be accompanied by BPH. This is why the male wrongly assumes that not having voiding symptoms means that he doesn't have prostate cancer. This misconception has probably done more …

Questions about Prostate biopsy pain, bleeding or infection or if it is necessary a tall…Comment here about your experience for the sake of others….

Ask your urologist everything…before the biopsy!

Prostate Diaries

happiness….not having what you want…but wanting what you have…..I am not saying it’s me… I am just writing it down for you…..Penelope looks happy…. which is she….does she know? the bandanna is very nice and pretty…

One of the biggest complaints that I hear from patients is they were not told how things would be. So….here is your forum….250,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer a year….that represents 17-20 % of the men that had either an abnormal rectal exam or an elevated psa. So….tell us your story and let’s make this the prostate biopsy blog of the universe. Yes… It can be…..Oh yes…….I misunderstood…………

The prostate cancer journey should be something that builds up the relationship…not something that tears it down or threatens it. If the prostate cancer thing is bad for the relationship then I’d make the argument that the relationship has flaws.

I am just saying. For…

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Vasectomy Reversal Success Story Northeast Georgia Urological Associates

Out patient procedure performed with Zeiss operating microscope, microscopic suture and instruments, general anesthesia with Board Certified anesthesiologist, in an accredited urologic ambulatory surgery center by an experienced urologist.

Prostate Diaries

001 January 22, 2015

Dr. McHugh performed my vasectomy in October 2012 after the birth of my daughter. In early 2014 my wife and I decided to try for a second child. Dr. McHugh  reversed my vasectomy on March 6, 2014. The procedure was completed in a few hours with no complications. I experienced no more pain or discomfort than with my original vasectomy. With in three weeks my wife had a positive pregnancy test and we celebrated the birth of our son on November 14, 2014. I would highly recommend using Dr. McHugh for both vasectomies and reversals.

Cleveland, Georgia.

Vasectomy Reversal Page

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