Wait til americans get a load of how government run health care will decide who gets what treatment for prostate cancer..

https://theprostatedecision.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/the-lockerbie-bomber-gaddafi-oil-hillary-and-obama-and-what-prostate-cancer/ https://theprostatedecision.wordpress.com/2010/12/09/bp-oil-spill-orange-beach-alabama-prostate-cancer-and-the-lockerbie-bomber/ Second Al Megrahi prostate cancer drug  'too expensive' for NHS PROSTATE cancer patients are to be denied a life-extending drug used to treat   Abdelbaset Also Mohmed Al Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber. NHS patients are being denied two new prostate cancer drugs reportedly taken by Lockerbie bomber Al Megrahi Photo: REUTERS   By Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent …

Who or what exactly did Mr. Layton do battle with…himself or prostate cancer?

My thoughts on "battling cancer"...a year and a half ago First of all I understand that we don't know for sure if Mr. Layton died of prostate cancer or another cancer. I do wonder why we don't know or why we haven't been told. Odd. I thought this discussion and the perspective of "one does not …

The prostate cancer book most commonly purchased with Patrick Walsh’s number one book on Amazon.com? “The Decision” by Dr. John McHugh a Northeast Georgia Urologist.

Amazon search/All Departments for Prostate Cancer Podcast on how to use books on Amazon to help in your decision....oh yea...I forgot, don't forget the counsel of your doctors! To make the right decision about "your prostate cancer" you need to evaluate all the arrows in your quiver. There is no question that Patrick Walsh's book …

prostate cancer active surveillance and upgrading of the Gleason’s score on subsequent biopsies…new or was it there all along?

I don't have to read this article. The Gleason did not change...it was there all along. When you do a biopsy and it's all Gleason 6 and then you remove the prostate and there are elements of Gleason 7, did it change between the time of the biopsy and the subsequent removal....6 weeks? Well no, …

prostate cancer: no voiding symptoms don’t mean no cancer

The above illustration is from "The Decision" now the number one book on Kindle for the subject of prostate cancer on amazon.com "But I don't have any voiding symptoms doc." "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Podbean podcast prostate diaries.......minute on the subject and this silly and trite objection An interesting question on Podbean

Phrases people search on google about prostate cancer that end up on prostate diaries week ending 4/09

The picture is of our cat Annie, the night before she died of renal failure.The search phrases are from the week prior to today- and an "insider's look" at what gets people to a particular blog. Lockerbie Plane crash   24 prostate diaries 9 famous men with prostate cancer 7 nanoknife 6 marias river 5 cnn and …

Prostate cancer question for Prostate Diaries: Can you have sex the morning of a prostate biopsy?

Had to get that "moustache dreadful picture of my hair off the main page of the previous post. A nurse of mine asked," Are those plugs?" The answer to the question posed above: Drum roll please...... Yes you can have sex the morning of a prostate biopsy Yes sex before a PSA will make it …