Prostate cancer second opinion with another urologist? Yes-A good idea.

In my book I mention that a second opinion is a good idea once the urologist tells you that you have prostate cancer. I add that it is probably best to get a second opinion with a radiation therapist, i.e you already have spoken with a urologist. of the things that happens now on …

Kerouac, Bop, and Prostate Cancer- I have to have Prostate Cancer in the title.

I have read the Kerouac, well about half of it, about him bumming around across America. I did not really think that it was that "transformational" for me and I guess that is why I just read half. But I must say this little piece from "The Beat Generation" I though was very good and …

Prostate cancer patient saw Jimi Hendrix live in Atlanta in the seventh grade circa 1967

When my mother and father were divorced we lived in Smyrna, Georgia. The courts decided my mother was unfit and I was sentenced to live with the lesser of the two "unfits" in a house that had been converted into a dog kennel and then back into a business. My little brother's room and my …

Looky looky I figured out how to put a Spotify song on my Prostate Cancer Blog and tie it to a story…

Did I treat you fairly? (From "The Decision") When I was a freshman at North Georgia College in the spring of 1974, I had this plastic football with a screw-off top that could hold about a quart of my favorite liquid. Other than the fact that it was plastic, one might never know its true …