Prostate Cancer and Male Sexuality- A Groundbreaking Survey by Dr. Jo-An Baldwin Peters

Right where I caught this fish at a cabin I have on the Chattahoochee River in Northeast Georgia, it's a shoal bass and what a joy to catch in the summer, is where Dr Peters visited me a year or so back. Fishing from a rock (shoal) no shirt on a beer near by and …

prostate cancer and root canals…it’s about using all the “ists” at your disposal.

So back to my tooth...the saga continues... several months pass and I go back to the original again because of a cracked temporary crown and in the process of fixing me a new temporary he notes that the bone structure above the tooth has not changed like one would expect if there was a deep enough crack to …

prostate cancer decision making a lot like trying to save a tooth….use all the arrows in the quiver my friend!

So how is one of my back top left side tooth like prostate cancer decision-making? I crack , a small crack, a tooth eating ice about three years ago. I ignore the crack and slowly with each successive almond or cube of ice the crack gets bigger. The tooth now began to hurt with anything hard forcing me …

If continence is that one most important factor don’t choose removing your prostate for prostate cancer.

My Dog Calendar for 2012 Don't buy it...just click the preview button. I bet you'll see a dog or two you recognize. Since my book has been written I see a lot of patients who show up for a second opinion. I get to hear first hand the impressions made by the original urologist. Sometimes it's …