Ted Danson helped out with prostate cancer long before “Bored to Death.”

I have had fun with the character in "Bored to Death" Ted Danson getting prostate cancer. I have learned a lot about the TNM staging system. It is confusing. I initially posted about that it was not "real life" to just tell  a patient that he had Stage  Two prostate cancer. That is a very broad statement. …

prostate cancer, bored to death, ted danson, “fiscally responsible, sexually…out of control.” Why the McHugh ” Who are you” factors are so important in your decision.

I saw a patient recently as a second opinion regarding what to do about his newly diagnosed prostate cancer. "What is most important to you?" I asked. He said, " I want my very best chance of cure regardless of the side effects. I also want to be able to do something curative if the …

“Bored To Death’s” Ted Danson has Stage II prostate cancer. What does that mean?

Bored to Death Recap: The Bubble Bursts Photo: Barry Wetcher/HBO Bored to Death SEASON The Gowanas Canal Has Gonorrhea! The third episode of Bored to Death’s second season gets off to a pretty sober start, as Sexy Urologist of a Certain Age tells George that he’s STD-free (yay!), but, alas, not stage-two-prostate-cancer-free (boo!). The good doctor …