The prostate cancer book most commonly purchased with Patrick Walsh’s number one book on “The Decision” by Dr. John McHugh a Northeast Georgia Urologist.

Amazon search/All Departments for Prostate Cancer Podcast on how to use books on Amazon to help in your decision....oh yea...I forgot, don't forget the counsel of your doctors! To make the right decision about "your prostate cancer" you need to evaluate all the arrows in your quiver. There is no question that Patrick Walsh's book …

When it comes to prostate cancer…”Just the facts mam, just the facts.”

what one does betters what's doneSee how the articles written for mass consumption leave a lot to be desired. They paint with "broad strokes." In the young patient below we are not told his PSA, volume on biopsy of disease nor his Gleason's score. Readers of this blog, readers of my book should be able to …

Pin, active surveillance and prostate cancer….iceberg feinberg it’s all the same to me…..PIN the new Active Surveillance

Here is a thought for you...So your PSA is high and you get a biopsy. The biopsy shows PIN. No cancer is seen. You are told, " Uh have a higher percentage of having prostate cancer if we do another biopsy. So here is my thought. If you have the bad cancer or the very large volume …

Count how many times “discussion” is used. Rectal exam not necessary? May be done? Prostate cancer awareness/screening/early detection. Team Winter’s thoughts on the matter.

Another round about assault on the early detection of prostate cancer? Systematic "lowering the guard"  of the unsuspecting male who sees this and rationalizes decision, after the discussion, not to be screened for prostate cancer. Is this all by design? When recent guidelines questioned benefit of the digital rectal exam in the early detection of prostate …

prostate cancer: how long does a six month LHRH shot last? who is buried in grant’s tomb? two similar questions with obvious answers but it is not quite that simple. think intermittent hormone therapy.

I live in the county so me and the chlompster, not to be confused with the dumpster, take the trash every Saturday morning. This dumpster is at my office and my thinking is if that I pay for it I can put personal stuff in it (this is much to the chagrin of our cleaning …

Question: Why would you castrate someone for prostate cancer? Because you don’t like them?

"A old man don't need his testicles....but they do tend to dress a fella out!" A previous Prostatediaries hormone discussion and history of "androgen deprivation" More about hormones and prostate cancer from a previous post When I was a urology resident at the Medical College of Georgia in the late 1980's if a man had …

The significance of the Gleason’s Score and why we “CAN” tell the difference between the slow growing and the bad kind in prostate cancer. The dirty little secret? You have to do the biopsy to know.

From the ASC Website Finding and treating all prostate cancers early may seem like a no-brainer. But some prostate cancers grow so slowly that they would likely never cause problems. Because of an elevated PSA level, some men may be diagnosed with a prostate cancer that they would have never even known about at all …

The Prostate CAncer gene 3 (PCA3) assay vs. the Free PSA….a prostate cancer title fight..”and in this corner…”

Decisions...decisions.... Sounds very straight forward to me. How about you? Not to pick on the American Cancer Society, but what if the discussion about whether to consider the PSA was the status quo in the diagnosis of breast cancer and mamograms? "Mrs. Smith. Before you consider a mamogram, it may be positive and that may …

Don’t “drink the koolaid” and don’t “eat the yellow snow.” When you put epidemiologists in charge of prostate cancer at the American Cancer Society this is what you get. This is from the ACS website…you cannot make this up!

The Red Sock-Be sure to read this and the comment that follows this post. Is it that the 10% of prostate cancer patients with the aggressive form of prostate cancer are "just not worth the time and money?" Spreading myths, lowering the public's and the male's guard, and for what reason? It must be for …