Prostate cancer decision making based on a biopsy…a potential pitfall for surveillance therapy.

Summer is a good time to be a urologist in Georgia.  Here's how it goes. An older patient comes in and has a tan. I ask, " How is your garden this year?" The response, " The tomatoes are just coming in." I say," I'll do half the work. You grow them and I'll help …

Prostate Cancer: Do you need to have a second opinion…on the biopsy path report?

About the above picture...there is no way that Penelope could not be chosen for a calendar. Is she beautiful or what? Second opinion on a prostate biopsy to be sure that a positive finding is indeed prostate cancer? Been there done that? What I did was to ask for additional stains to prove it was …

“But I had radiation for my prostate cancer over 5 years ago!” Blood and clots in the urine after radiation for prostate cancer.

Of the top ten questions I have gotten over the years about misconceptions/misunderstandings of the various treatment of prostate cancer-the concept of the delayed effect of radiation on one's body is one of the more common. The typical situation will be the guy who has either had seeds or external radiation. He may have had …

Using the good he gave me genetically and trying to ward off the bad memories of his actions…

From the  "Decision" Part Two – “Who are you?” and why it matters   “Dr. McHugh, what would you advise me to do if I were your father?”   I am asked this question very often after telling a family that a biopsy shows prostate cancer. I almost anticipate it and have to be careful …

Vasectomy 101:Gainesville’s Northeast Georgia Urology Group, NGUA (Everything you wanted to know about a vasectomy but were afraid to ask.)

Everything you need to know and ask about a vasectomy "before" you have one done. (If you have a question or issue not addressed, mention it as a comment and I'll address it gladly. I want this to be an "exhaustive" resource to those considering a vasectomy.) Five myths about a a vasectomy often used by …

question:do you need a rectal exam after a prostatectomy or radiation for prostate cancer?

Rosamond Johnson Search questions on my blog offer a nice glimpse at the issues that concern prostate cancer patients. Here's another one. Probably not. After you have been  treated, the PSA which is a bit erratic before the treatment of prostate cancer, is very accurate in determining the recurrence of prostate cancer. If your PSA …