Rusty McHugh, my birthday pending, Bose Radios, Cowboy movies, and the Florabama…prostate cancer…

A couple of things about my deceased brother Rushton. First of all of my four brothers he was always the kindest to me. Jeff my youngest brother doesn't mother said he was "the baby." Rushton always chose me to be on his team in football...he could throw and I could catch and we were deadly, …

Dogs get prostate cancer….did you know that? Hallmark Christmas Dog story chapter two.

Chapter Two-A dog shows up at the lake "Chloe's Gift" by John McHugh (Changed Rob to John) John and Karen had two other dogs, Oscar and Tootsie, both of whom they loved dearly, but there was an emptiness around their home without Meg. The couple felt her memory and presence everywhere in and about the …

Hallmark submission about a dog and christmas and being lost…connection to prostate cancer …..?

Chapter One - Meg By John McHugh Rob, a doctor, received a phone call at his office. It was his wife Karen. “Rob,  I have decided to put Meg to sleep. The vet is coming at lunch to give the shot. If you want to be here, that’s when I am doing it. I cannot …

Prostate Cancer and Male Sexuality- A Groundbreaking Survey by Dr. Jo-An Baldwin Peters

Right where I caught this fish at a cabin I have on the Chattahoochee River in Northeast Georgia, it's a shoal bass and what a joy to catch in the summer, is where Dr Peters visited me a year or so back. Fishing from a rock (shoal) no shirt on a beer near by and …

prostate cancer and root canals…it’s about using all the “ists” at your disposal.

So back to my tooth...the saga continues... several months pass and I go back to the original again because of a cracked temporary crown and in the process of fixing me a new temporary he notes that the bone structure above the tooth has not changed like one would expect if there was a deep enough crack to …

Prostate cancer musing…PSA is very reliable when following prostate cancer “after” treatment.

The leaves in Northeast Georgia have been particularly pretty this year and have hung around more than usual. The light comes through the trees behind Penelope about 5 everyday and are almost "illuminated" by the sun. I had a friend who happens to be a doctor call me to ask me some questions about his …

Prostate cancer questions?….there’s an app for that! Northeast Georgia urologist launches prostate cancer decision-making app – ProstateMd.

ProstateMd in the Itunes app store I know what you are thinking....I shouldn't have used Penelope as the background of the app...well...that's what makes me different....irreverent informative prostate cancer stuff with an edge and a bit of humor..... Well...a few months ago a friend of mine, well kinda sorta of a friend....I hate people and most …