A dog shows up at the lake…dogs can help you get through a lot of stuff…including prostate cancer.

Chapter Two-A dog shows up at the lake John and Karen had two other dogs, Oscar and Tootsie, both of whom they loved dearly, but there was an emptiness around their home without Meg. The couple felt her memory and presence everywhere in and about the house. The couch, the trampoline, the backyard, the bedroom, …

What do you think is the most aggressvie treatment for prostate cancer? Why is it important in your “decision?”

    I have had an ongoing dialogue with a radiation therapist friend  of mine about " what is the most aggressive therapy for prostate cancer?" What would you say? To me the most aggressive thing would be to  remove the prostate. In the diagram above, from "The Decision", shows that if the prostate cancer …

PSA, prostate cancer screening and Pepe the prostate-new spokeperson for Mr. PSA

  Interview with Mr. PSA- Part Two  Dr. McHugh: "Welcome back. I am with Mr. PSA and his pseudonym Pepe the prostate. How are you tonight and again thanks for being here with us to shed some light on the dilemma that is PSA and prostate cancer."  Mr. PSA: "Thank you, again it is good to …