A dog shows up at the lake…dogs can help you get through a lot of stuff…including prostate cancer.

Chapter Two-A dog shows up at the lake John and Karen had two other dogs, Oscar and Tootsie, both of whom they loved dearly, but there was an emptiness around their home without Meg. The couple felt her memory and presence everywhere in and about the house. The couch, the trampoline, the backyard, the bedroom, …

Prostate cancer second opinion with another urologist? Yes-A good idea.

Second opinions may limit not eliminate poor decision making.

The Real Prostate Cancer Second Opinion Site

Prostate Diaries

An angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason. ~Publilius Syrus

In my book I mention that a second opinion is a good idea once the urologist tells you that you have prostate cancer. I add that it is probably best to get a second opinion with a radiation therapist, i.e you already have spoken with a urologist.

Well…one of the things that happens now on a routine basis is that folks present to my office for a second opinion about what to do about their newly diagnosed prostate cancer. What happens is the patient searches for information about prostate cancer and invariably they find my book on Amazon or by virtue of Prostate Diaries (which surprisingly has a very large internet footprint)and  then make an appointment for the second opinion. I have seen folks from all over and it has been very rewarding. It is…

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Prostate cancer second opinion with another urologist? Yes-A good idea.

In my book I mention that a second opinion is a good idea once the urologist tells you that you have prostate cancer. I add that it is probably best to get a second opinion with a radiation therapist, i.e you already have spoken with a urologist. Well...one of the things that happens now on …

Prostate Diaries Blog has busiest day…Best source for Prostate Cancer Questions?

    2012-09-20 to Today   Title Views Home page / Archives 592 the dreaded prostate biopsy revealed 161 When is a prostate nodule a nodule and do nodules always mean prostate cancer? 115 holy bloody mess batman!….the bleeding scrotum capo…i mean caper…tmi? 92 Can you get cancer from having sex with a man who …