Bladder neck contracture, prostate cancer, prostatectomy and treatment…

This is a video of a patient who is s/p  a prostatectomy and has developed a bladder neck contracture. He presented with diminution of his urinary stream. If a  patient is voiding well after the prostate is removed and then the stream slowly decreases the likelihood is that he has developed a bladder neck contracture. …

Regarding Prostate Cancer Decision Making- Does It Matter That You Can Do Radiation After Prostatatectomy But Not Vice Versa?

I mentioned the concept in my book, I think urologists (rightfully or wrongly) use it as a reason for patients to have their prostate removed, patients often use it as a justification to have the prostate removed, it probably pisses off and frustrates the radiation therapist....and that is the concept of: If I remove the …

How can one predict the need for radiation after having the prostate removed for prostate cancer?

If you are choosing to have a prostatectomy because "you'll be cured" Or if you think that you'll have the option of having radiation if cancer comes back Or if you think "well if I have the prostate surgery I can have radiation but not vice versa" Or if you think one or the other …