Happy Birthday Jennie Cooper! One hell of a mother.

Happy birthday mother. I think of you and refer to you everyday!

Prostate Diaries

The ability to do as she pleases and “calm as a hurricane”…they got that right!

Mother’s Day circa 1994:

You were born in the Depression years.  You were named after your fathers’ mother – Jennie Cooper.  As a child, you could skate faster and ride a bike better than any boy in LaGrange, Georgia.  You loved your mother but were much closer to your father.  You are a diehard Georgia Bulldog fan and it goes without saying that you hate Georgia Tech but you always respected a “Tech Man.”  You were in the Coast Guard and loved the Big Band era of the war years.  Frank Sinatra was your favorite.  You are an encyclopedia of Southern sayings like, “If you misbehave again, it’s gonna be too wet to plow.”  You feel like there is a difference between which side of the Mason-Dixon Line you’re from.  A twist of fate determined…

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Positive intent has been shown to be beneficial with patients dealing with medical illnesses.


Take a moment to think about the last time you were cut off by a car while driving. What was your reaction? Most likely, your first instinctual response was anger and frustration. Unfortunately, creating a negative dialogue to go along with a situation comes more naturally for most people. But, what if you could take a pause before reacting to consider the possible reasons for why the driver cut you off. Was he rushing to take his wife to the hospital to deliver their first child? Was she a new 16- year-old driver learning the ropes of the road? Was he in a hurry to his second job? The list of possibilities is endless. The old, familiar saying comes into play here, “Imagine yourself walking a day in someone else’s shoes’. It is impossible for us to know why people react the way they do so immediately assuming the worst…

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