How much would you pay for three months of life if you were dying of prostate cancer?

So the doctor says to the average patient, "The government rationing board has banned the drug that would treat your prostate cancer and extend your life by several months because it is too expensive. I am sorry, but good luck." This patient goes home to his family and relays the news and as good citizens all accept …

holy bloody mess batman!….the bleeding scrotum capo…i mean caper…tmi?

Guitar Capo-Or as my mother used to say, " Necessity is the mother of invention." When I was a urology resident I had to do a research paper on Fournier's gangrene. I got somehow the original article on the subject by Mr. Fournier himself. It was in French and much to the chagrin of the chairman …

question:will the prostate ultrasound always show prostate cancer?

Is this not one beautiful and happy dog or what? We love our Chloe. The above question is good one.  Reviewing the search items that get folks to my site are revealing and offer an opportunity to address issues that concern prostate cancer patients. When the urologist does a prostate ultrasound, it usually is used …

Question: Will prescribing Cipro for a rising PSA after a radical prostatectomy make a difference?

A question I saw on a prostate cancer forum: My urologist has prescribed me cipro to take for a month and then get re tested for a rising psa score. it is currently 5.8 and i had a radical in 2003. my psa has been steadily rising over the past 7 years. i apparently have rogue cancer cells in my …

Question: Urine leaks around catheter after prostatectomy. Is this normal?

When the prostate is removed, the bladder is separated from the urethra (the tube that runs through the penis which men void through). After the prostate is out, the doctor then sews the two areas back together. It takes about 7-10 days for this to heal. A catheter is placed through the tip of the penis in …

can you remove the prostate for prostate cancer if you have had radiation (external or seeds)? well…yes and no.

  Review of "Salvage" options if prostate cancer comes back after radiation. One of the most common reasons I am given by patients choosing to have their prostate removed is the argument that one can do radiation after surgery but you can't (easily) do surgery after radiation. It is a valid argument and I think …

How can a PSA go up if the prostate has been removed for prostate cancer?

As a surgeon I have to often times dissuade patients from choosing surgery. You think I'm kidding don't you? Surgeons do it all the time. Radiation therapists also tell some patients that radiation may not be the best option for them. That I know is even harder to believe....just kidding. (It's a surgeon-radiation therapist thing.) Many …