Google search for prostate cancer: Fixing obstructive problems? Good question!

If you have trouble voiding and have been diagnosed with prostate cancer remember you can correct the obstructive symptoms with the GreenLight Laser before radiation but you can’t safely do any surgery on the prostate after radiation.

Prostate Diaries

What makes my book special ( I think ) is the attention that only a urologist who has been through the prostate cancer process and treatment could make of the voiding issues. That’s what urologists do…we are human plumbers. We understand how men void, the difference between obstructive (slow stream) and irritative (frequency, urgency, getting up at night) and the medicines and surgeries used for each. It is confusing. In my book there is a very large chart showing the differences in each and how all the treatments affect each.

I once wrote on a prescription pad the symptoms and the meds for each for another doctor. A year later, he pulled it out of his wallet to use to treat a patient in my presence and said, ” John, you just would not believe how many times I have used your little cheat sheet!”

Back to the question. Obstructive…i.e. an …

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Prostate cancer survivor and hero…The Battle of the Bulge. December 16, 1944-January 25, 1945.

One of my favorite pastimes as a urologist is to have my picture taken with WWII vets-truly, to me, the greatest generation. I have pictures of patients who served in Germany, landed on D-Day, fought in all of the significant islands in the pacific, Pearl Harbor and on and on. You can easily recognize WWII vets because most all of them enjoy wearing the hat representing when and where they served. In this instance you see a sophisticated older gentleman, like one you might pass in a grocery store and think nothing of it other than he is older and maybe moving slower than you’d prefer if you were behind him in line. But oh…. yes but oh… he’s a hero, he’s tough as nails and fought for you and put his life on the line.
The best part of this interview done in my office during an office visit unscripted was when he said, “Other than people shooting at me, it was the prettiest Christmas day I have ever seen.” Breathtaking!

Prostate Diaries

The Battle of the Bulge- The bloodiest battle of WWII.

If you listen carefully you have the Mr. Cornelssen  carrying his machine gun and a 53lb tripod and two other soldiers carrying the ammunition. Walked from Normandy Beaches to Luxembourg, wounded in the Battle of the Bulge, operated on in a field hospital that was attacked (buzzed) and then flown to England across the channel and then to the hospital in Michigan. Are you kidding me? His career, prostate cancer..

Man o man they don’t make em like they used to!

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