The prostate cancer book most commonly purchased with Patrick Walsh’s number one book on “The Decision” by Dr. John McHugh a Northeast Georgia Urologist.

it's hot here in Georgia...Brudder is taking a cool-down sit in da pool

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Podcast on how to use books on Amazon to help in your decision….oh yea…I forgot, don’t forget the counsel of your doctors!

To make the right decision about “your prostate cancer” you need to evaluate all the arrows in your quiver. There is no question that Patrick Walsh’s book is a text-bookĀ like book with all the stuff you need from a “technical” aspect. You need a radiation type book as well and boy are there a lot of “proton” advocatesĀ out there. And then, I feel you need a book by a patient who is also a doctor, a mix or blend so to speak. Don’t worry that I am biased or not, as some have suggested on the Amazon comment board, get a book on all perspectives, do your research, read, study and then make a decision peculiar to you. That is my point…who are you, what are the specifics of “your cancer” and then and only then make the decision that is right to you and your personality. No book, friend, treatment is stand alone…it is a blend of all and if nothing else that is the point my book makes for you. One other thing…it highlights the voiding consequences of all the decisions, something overlooked by doctors and patients alike in the decision-making process. Urologist’s are funny that way…we are the human plumbers my friend. Next time a friend recommends doing what he did, ask “How are voiding? Leaking? Getting up at night? Burning? Slow stream?” Put all that in your database and then decide. I don’t give a …. what you do….just do it with right information and for the right reasons for you. Good luck.

Number 2Ā  and number 4 on for the subject of prostate cancer and on the same page as “the” Patrick Walsh…not to shabby for a little ole community urologist in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Northeast Georgia.

3 Replies to “The prostate cancer book most commonly purchased with Patrick Walsh’s number one book on “The Decision” by Dr. John McHugh a Northeast Georgia Urologist.”

  1. Congratulations John, your common sense approach to the question of which treatment to select based on “who you are” and what urinary function have is laudable and timely.


  2. John the way you pose questions around prostate cancer challenges me and my approach to my prostate cancer which they tell me is incurable. I have lived with this for 5.5 years as a mathematician and design engineer who wanted to be a urological surgeon as soon as I was diagnosed with what they told me was a terminal disease that was likely to kill me within 18 months.
    I didnt want to die without knowing WHY!!!
    The jargon and conflicting viewpoints just clouded the issues we non medical prostate cancer guys face when all we want was some joined up thinking and basic facts.
    Surely the basics are that a man should know what his risks are of prostate cancer.
    All men should be informed of and have access to any test that may indicate prostate cancer.
    In men where prostate cancer is indicated they should be informed of the risks and the benefits of any treatment options.
    Where treatment is offered as an option to men issues such as side effects and the likelihood of them occuring should be discussed, quality of life (qol) for each patient is an essential element because the guy who turns up in his Sunday best suit to clinic to see his consultant may be an entirely different guy within his own home. So without knowing the mans expectations treatment options could be almost meaningless.
    A major element that is missing for almost ALL men in the UK is support, our Doctors can prescibe the drugs that we need and our Consultant can advise on treatment options BUT who looks after the whole man.
    Through the red sock campaign which I founded in 2007 I have met men from all walks of life who are fighting this prostate disease and some who have lost the battle they are all the inspiration that fuels my passion to do whatever I can to help them and their families using the little knowledge I have gained.
    Without the PSA test, without prostatectomy without radiotherapy and all the other treatments the death rate from from prostate cancer would be much higher.
    I know people say there is too much overtreatment for prostate cancer and I agree with them but I would say dont blame the man who is having the treatment blame the Doctors and Consultants who interpret the test results, perhaps they have set the trigger for treatment too low and where careful monitoring would have been a better option.
    We men just need the facts that are pertinent to us and our individual cancer.
    Prostate cancer is not just about men it is about the very structure and future of human life.
    Keep up the good work John we need you.

    Keith S. Cass (the red sock)


    1. Mr. Cass,
      I am flattered that you took the time to visit my site and that you feel it is helpful. Thanks for the thanks. I hope you are well, I appreciate your comments with which I am in agreement, and your area is very lucky having you as an advocate.
      “You know of which you speak”
      John McHugh


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